Tuesday, May 3, 2011

broccoli spinach mizuna

The bloke I bought the seedlings from at the market thismorning said they were all things that would grow locally at his time of the year. He doesn’t sell anything else. We talked about basil - ours is still going strong, we had pesto last night for dinner - but everything is slowing down now. 

Yes he says,  just a week or so ago Mother Nature suddenly put the brakes on. It’s a relief really. Before that it was a constant challenge to keep up with how fast everything was growing.

He tells me that some of the big-scale  commercial growers have a real problem with things growing too fast . They spray them with something to slow them down. And at other times with things to speed them up. To keep a steady supply.

Have I already talked about how everything is too damned fast? I’m sure to have.

I welcome the slowness of the coming winter season.

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