Saturday, May 21, 2011



I saw two snakes yesterday, mating or possibly fighting. Entwined in the grass  by the driveway, in a sunny spot. I was walking down to collect dry grass clippings for the compost. The snakes were blueish olive-y green with a coppery patch behind their heads. One slid away, the other stayed. Male? Female? 

There have also been two willy wagtails in their neat little tuxedoes, flitting about near the vegie garden making their chattery rattley sound. I always think of  a kids story about Aborigines in which the willy wagtails were messengers. 

And  two white headed pigeons seem to have nested in under the bougainvillaea, just a few metres from our front door. D says he saw a baby in there, though surely it’s the wrong season...

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