Friday, April 8, 2011


There was a blackout last night, while I was at my ‘Beginners’ Ukulele’ class. The classroom emergency lighting came on and we finished the night plunking our way through ‘Jamaica Farewell’ and ‘Your Cheatin’ Heart’ in a sort of penumbral greenish gloom, barely able to make out the chord charts.

When I got home, D met me with a torch as I got out of the car. There was a candle burning on the front door step, and inside he and F had lit many candles. It was magical. 

Of course I couldn’t check the emails or fart about in cyberspace as I normally would, so I got into bed with my book at 9.30 and read by torchlight with a candle by the bed. Like the Olden Days. How simple, how cosy.

It was the second blackout this week. On monday night D was at choir and  I was playing Chinese Chequers with F when the lights went out. We lit dozens of candles and then continued our game wearing our camping headlight torches. 

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