Wednesday, October 12, 2011


day lillies everywhere

red pawpaw, summertime breakfast
green tea

school goes back today 

grey heron
floats ahead of us
down the driveway

bus stop, 8.15 a.m.  
car door clunk
he’s off into the big wide world
with his hoodie and his backpack

spring morning by the laundry door
- a hundred floating white star flowers 

tissue shredded in the washing machine
 - a hundred white specks 
on black shirt

Three loads of washing, a good drying day.


bills paid
- incoming tide of paper,
pushed back
for now

phone chat with Jenny
she says “ I don’t know how you do it”
I say “I’ve been a neurotic mess”
We laugh

roof creaks in the midday heat

parsley’s gone to seed

after school
his saxophone lesson
while I cook green curry
and listen...
teacher says
“the best way to thank me is to practise”

daylight saving 
dinner outside
in late afternoon light
three of us,
the family 

dishes washed
to Hilltop Hoods, Lonely Island
fierce kid music
(‘don’t listen to the rude bit mum’) 

putting out compost
by moonlight
-scent of lemon blossom

1 comment:

Pet said...

Wow, you have come back from your holidays full of artistic spirit!