Friday, September 17, 2010

freedom from icecream

Friday 17th
Driving home from the acupuncturist, I saw  a snake. It was sunning itself on the road at the bottom of our drive way. I swerved to avoid it. ‘Summer is coming’ I thought as I watched  it squiggle away, off into the long yellow grass down below the house, where we planted the trees last autumn. I looked it up in the book. An Eastern Brown I think, which we haven’t seen here before. Dangerous, says the book.

The acupuncturist tells me that I give my power away, that’s why my kidney energy is low. He also  suggests I stop eating diary. It causes damp and cold in the body, he says.  

He himself eats no diary, gluten or sugar. It’s simple, he says, it’s about loving your body, it’s about freedom, not deprivation. 

Hmm...why does just thinking about this make me want to run to the kitchen and eat icecream?


eweanme said...

Read it all - did so enjoy reconnecting with you Jane! .... and my, hasn't little Kundun grown!!!
love and hugs, Rxox

Steven Lang said...

not so sure about eating diaries... writing them's bad enough... but then psychology from acupuncturists has always struck me as increasingly dangerous. It's like that old story of Marlon Brando's - what's extraordinary about becoming famous is that people ask for your opinion about all sorts of things you have no idea about. What's more extraordinary is you answer them - why do these people assume to know everything about your personality just because they stick needles in you?

anya said...

hi jane..didn't know i could comment..i can! and i am.!! enjoying reading your blog.not sure why..i always enjoyed your writing in our group..the inner workings of a fellow human..feels slightly sticky beakish and yet i love having inner stuff spread out ..even the convoluted and squirmish stuff seems less messy if it's teased out a bit and laid to bare..i get a feeling of lightness and joy when time and energy isn't tied up in "secrets too dark to reveal"..thankyou..anya

Jane said...

thankyou for's strangely satisfying, sending my assorted, unedited musings out into cyberspace - and really lovely to know that some of my friends have read them

Anonymous said...

Hello possum
I believe everything my chinese doctor says, so luckily he doesn't talk much. After stuffing myself for two weeks on holiday I'm thinking (only) today about eating less and have been starving all day.