Tuesday, August 31, 2010

conspiracy theories

Tuesday august 31st 

Den is my conduit to mainstream media (he watches telly after dinner  while I prowl the blogosphere) Last night  he saw a program -’ Q&A’? - with a panel of people talking about  Australia’s woeful ‘political’ situation and the post-election stalemate. Apparently dear old Malcolm Fraser  (The same man  we marched in the streets against in 1975, now a voice of reason) said  that there were clearly some kind of dark forces at work behind the whole getting-rid-of-Rudd thing. Mal pointed out that ex-P.M. Rudd steered the ship pretty competently through very difficult times. Global financial Crisis etc. Must say I felt sorry for Kev myself when he got stabbed in the back, even though he’d been so wimpy on climate change.  

Hey, when Malcolm Fraser starts talking conspiracy theories...There is something   fishy going on, isn’t there? 

The CIA freely admitted, some years after the act that they’d been behind the ousting of Gough Whitlam in 1975. In 2010 we get a much slicker operation - the Forces Of Greed don’t need to cause such a big drama. Just a bit of behind the scenes powerbroking & a  cold, clean assassination. Then they give us, the citizens, the charade of a federal  election to make us feel like we still live in a democracy and have some choice. 

Den said  someone on the panel pointed out that we really no longer have  two distinct major political  parties. And that the only real choice is between pro - ‘Big Business as usual’ Lib/ALP; and The Greens. Yup, that's why I vote Green. Den also told me that there's been a bit of bagging the Greens eg even by The Chaser guys portraying them as the party of the not-very-sophisticated hippy types etc. Personally I reckon the electorate of my old home town of Melb, who voted in a Green candidate showed  themselves to be progressive, forward-thinking people. Yay!

I wasn’t going to talk about politics.  Just one last word though, about that awful right wing propaganda  newspaper, ‘The Australian’  We’ve totally stopped buying it, even though it means sacrificing the Saturday morning pleasures of  Mystic Medusa, Phillip Adams and Susan Maushart.

All this discussed in the car with Den at 5.30 a.m. this morn when I drove him to the intersection to catch the airport bus. It was 10 degrees, and there was mist rising from the cow paddocks. He’ll be in down in Melbournia for three weeks. He’ll miss the School Fair, and his birthday. and Fathers Day. 

It was good to be up early,  with the first  kookaburras. 

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